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About Linda Munoz


My journey to Health and Healing after struggling with Anxiety, Depression, Long COVID, and Insomnia

My passion for healthy living started with a pair of running shoes!


After my parents divorced, running became my escape from my pain. I was a teen with poor self-esteem and body image. For years I struggled with binge eating as my depression continued following my parent's divorce. Depression followed me for years and I struggled with thoughts of suicide as a young adult. 


Healthy living was something I enjoyed and took an interest in for years but it wasn't until I contracted COVID and suffered severe health issues in my mind, body, and spirit that my pain became my passion. Today I am committed to helping others improve their quality of life and be the best version of themselves by equiping and empowering them to care for their mind, body, and spirit through the use of natural remedies and holistic approaches.  

My Background and Experience

  • BS in Biomedical Engineering from GA Institute of Technology (GA Tech)

  • Personal Training Certification from National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)

  • Trained and Certified in Quality Engineering and Engineering Problem Solving methods (used with clients to identify root causes)

  • Survivor of Long COVID and multiple times COVID patient

  • Overcomer of: Depression, Anxiety, Chronic Insomnia, Panic Attacks, Suicidal Thoughts, and, Binge Eating

  • Multiple time race participant (half-marathon, 5K, and 10K)

Healing Testimonies of Linda Munoz, Health Coach and Personal Trainer

Where your pain is, there your calling is. COVID and Long COVID propelled me into my calling but my journey to health and healing started much before that when I experienced healing miracles in my body. To God be the Glory for every touch of healing I have experienced including:


  • Overcome Anxiety and Panic Attacks

  • Freed from depression and thoughts of suicide

  • Recovery from COVID and Long COVID

  • Overcome chronic Insomnia

  • Healing from Joint and Knee Pain

  • Healing from Anemia

  • Healing from Tooth Pain (w/nerve damage) 

There is HOPE! Start your journey to Healing and Health today.

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