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Serving Naples, FL in person, USA virtually (Se Habla Espanol) â€‹â€‹


Health Coaching & Personal Training Services to equip & empower you to

Live your best life sick-free and healthy! 

Take control of your life with a Personalized Health Plan designed to meet your unique needs, personality & schedule. Meet at your home, Local Gym, or on the go!

Personalized Health & Healing Programs to fit your needs, personality, & schedule!

If you need healing for your mind, body, or spirit or just want to improve your overall health, Heal Together Ministries, LLC is just what you've been looking for!


If you are looking for a Personal Trainer or Health Coach who will guarantee sustainable and lasting results, you've come to the right place!

Natural Remedies and Holistic Health to provide Health and Healing
for your Mind, Body, and Spirit

Heal Together Ministries, LLC provides health coaching and personal training services that help you reach your optimal health stateWhether you are suffering from a disease or illness and in need of healing, just starting your journey to healthy living, or just want to take your health to the next level. Our services incorporate the use of natural remedies and holistic health while covering the full health spectrum to help you improve the health of your mind, body, and spirit.


We don't just address the symptom of your illness but work to identify the root cause through the application of Engineering Problem Solving methods to help you achieve lasting and sustainable results.

About Our Services

Our Health Coaches and Personal Trainers provide support for a healthy Mind, Body, and Spirit. Our Services include, but are not limited to:​

  • Disease and Illness Recovery (specializing in

    • COVID and Long COVID​ Treatment

    • Anemia Treatment

    • Diabetes Treatment

    • High Blood Pressure Treatment)




  • Spiritual Coaching (including​

    • Prayer and Fasting Support​

    • Spiritual Mentoring)


  • Mental Health Support (specializing in

    • Anxiety and Panic Attacks

    • Depression and Suicide

    • Insomnia

    • Stress management

    • Anger management)



  • ​Exercise and Weight Loss/ Gain (specializing in​

    • Binge Eating and Emotional Eating​

    • Overcoming Weight Loss Plateaus)​



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